Common Issues in MS Workers’ Comp Cases and How We Solve Them

The Problems:

Mississippians injured while at work face many problems.  Paying for the basic necessities of life, pain caused by the work injury, depression and anxiety, missing benefits checks, delays in treatment, dealing with an uncaring insurance adjuster, worry about getting fired, setting and getting to the doctor, employers not accommodating restrictions, finding a different line of work, and getting prescriptions paid for are some of the most common issues.

We Have Solutions!

Over the next few weeks Rundlett Law Firm will be putting out a series on the above problems injured workers face in Mississippi.  We will also explain how we handle these issues.  The video below discusses the first issue related to financial stresses.  When a person gets hurt and can’t work, monthly bills still come in and can pile up.  We know how to provide relief and counseling for this problem.

Watch this video to learn more…..

Please contact us if you have any questions.  Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss this series!


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill