A will is really a gift to your loved ones. It is not for the one drafting it. But if you are not going to have a will drafted, at least do this. Write down the names and locations of all of your bank accounts, savings accounts, annuities, life insurance policies, properties, and any other assets you own. Include phone numbers and contact names if possible. I know I don’t want my wife, or whoever has to deal with my passing in an emotionally tough time, to have to become a detective on top of a job, raising kids, and life.

I have dealt both with estates where there was a will and where there was not. The frustrations and struggles forced upon the one left to administer the estate is always quite evident in cases where there is no will that laid out a clear plan and identified all assets. It becomes a second job to the person responsible, even with an attorney involved. So if you don’t feel as though it is time to get your will done, at least write down the details of your assets and let a loved one know where it’s located.

Have a great day!

“Judge less, love more.” – JKR