Many insurance companies will not just voluntarily pay for mileage reimbursement. My recommendation is that you keep detailed records of travel and submit them to the insurance adjuster on a monthly basis. If they refuse to pay or just don’t respond, it may be time to contact an attorney.
If an attorney is involved on your behalf, they will most likely pay as they should. If they don’t pay, your attorney should file a Motion to Compel the payments. If they still do not pay, a judge will decide. Most of these hearings will take place within 2 weeks of filing.
Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Remote Workers?
If an injury or illness occurs while an employee is completing a work task during work hours, then remote workers should be eligible for workers’ compensation. In the majority of cases, the remote employee has the burden of proof, which means they must be able to show they were acting in the interest of their employer when the injury occurred. That said, even though an employer can’t control an employee’s home environment, that’s not a reason to deny a workers’ compensation claim. Employers are responsible for providing the same safe environments for remote workers as their in-person workers. Workers’ compensation can be a complicated field to navigate, especially with the surge of work from home claims, so you’ll want to consult with a workers’ compensation attorney who is familiar with the most up-to-date laws in your state.
What Are the Most Common Work from Home Injuries?
An employee’s home doesn’t necessarily have the same safety standards as the workplace, which can be challenging. They might be at greater risk of slipping next to a pool or working from a stool at the kitchen counter. The most common injury doctors see with work from home patients are cumulative injuries, which are essentially damage and pain caused by repetitive movement and overuse. This can include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, back pain, and more. Slip and fall injuries are also incredibly common. Most workplaces have safety standards in place to address slip and fall hazards, but when you transfer work to the house, the risk of these injuries can increase.
Do I Need to Change My Work from Home Setup?
Not everyone has a high-end office chair to sit in for eight hours a day. It would be challenging for employers to outfit every single remote employee with not just a computer, but also an ergonomic office chair. The good news is that if an employee purchases these items on their own, they not only get to pick out exactly what they want, they can write the purchase off when they do their taxes. That’s right, outfitting a home house for a remote job is tax-deductible. That said, everyone can’t afford to remodel their office, and if the injury was caused by a work-from-home job, the employee should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney who can help get them some much needed relief.
Can a Workers’ Comp Attorney Help with a Work from Home Injury?
A workplace injury, even one that takes place at home, can cause catastrophic physical and financial damage. That said, your employer still needs to cover you as a remote worker in the event of an injury. You’ll want to file your workplace injury claim right away, and in the event, your employer does not have the proper coverage, an experienced attorney can file a lawsuit to get coverage for your losses. Rundlett Law Firm, PLLC has a record of winning workers’ compensation claims, even for workers who work from home. Call us today at 601-282-8426 and let us help get you the benefits you deserve.