Finalizing Settlements in Mississippi Workers’ Compensation

How long does it take to get a settlement check in a Mississippi Workers’ Compensation case?  The most important issue that determines when an injured worker may get a settlement in a workers’ comp case is “Maximum Medical Improvement”.  

What is Maximum Medical Improvement?

Maximum Medical Improvement is a medical opinion from a doctor that an injured worker has improved as much as possible for the foreseeable future.   The time it takes a person to reach maximum medical Improvement varies greatly.  However, the time it takes to settle a case once MMI is reached should be much more consistent.  Rundlett Law Firm has systems in place to greatly reduce the time it takes you to get your settlement check.

Things that can Delay Settlement

There are variables that will affect the timeliness of settlement, but your settlement will never be delayed because of anything the team at Rundlett Law Firm does or doesn’t do.  Some of the things that can affect settlement speed are who the defense attorney is, how motivated the insurance adjuster is, how quickly you return settlement documents we send to you, how quickly your attorney files petitions and motions, and how quickly the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission approves the settlement paperwork.

Our purpose at Rundlett Law Firm is to calm client anxieties while leading them to a fast, honest legal victory.  We take pride in “Fast”.


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill